Queen of the Road Foundation, Inc


Project: School Facelift

A Community Project

August 19-20,2023

When the Founder of Queen of the Road Foundation, Inc was made aware of, “Project Facelift’ by Ms. Brooks. Her interests were peaked. She had visited the school a few months earlier and had seen the need, amongst so many other needs. So she was excited to know that there were others who were interested in taking on that project.
She later learned of a group of past students’ intention to have the school repainted. A second phone call was received from Mrs. Barkley in Canada. With that phone call the Founder jumped on board. As she had worked with Mrs. Barkley on a previous project in 2013, when the Founder was establishing another Organization to help with 5 schools in Islington, St Mary. Mrs. Barkley was instrumental in coordinating all of the Checking In, Attendee Recording and Tracking protocols for that initial event held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. With that background, she was sold on helping the project see execution, and completion

She not only got on board, but help in the planning and structuring of the project. A Liaison with the Project Founder & Manager, Mrs. Barkley began. As well as Mrs. Clarke a teacher at the School.

Mrs Barkley and the class of 1975 with Stars such as Glendon Whitter (Bowie) Carol Senior (Millie) were the glue that bonded the project together to a successful finish. Mrs. Clarke, a senior teacher at the school was on board weeks prior fielding answers and doing site inspections and visits. Receiving early deliveries of project items, sacrificing some of her Sumner Vacation to ensure the success of this project.

A big thank you to Mrs. Yvette Barkley, who travelled to the island and was on the ground, days before execution, doing all the coordinating in getting this project to the finishing line.
Queen of the Road Foundation, Inc extends a huge, Thank You to all the Past Students, Teachers, and the Community as a whole who collaborated and volunteered their time over the weekend and worked tirelessly on this Re-painting project.
Queen of the Road Foundation, sends-Special Thanks-giving mention to:

Mr. Lecky, Lee’s Block Factory, Mega Mart Wholesale Club, Mr. Ian Edwards, and
EdgeChem Jamaica Ltd. (HQ)
With your donation, help, guidance, cooperation and support this project was a SUCCESS.



Helping to Rebrand a small Distillery business

QOTR Foundation has been helping to get this get this entrepreneurial Dream to the broader marketplace. It is projects such as this one that Queen of the Road Foundation, Inc will be focused on discovering and helping to get Dreams to flourish and grow. Projects like these will provide employment, growth and sustainablility for the community.



Medical Mission



Queen of the Road Foundation extended its resources to some existing members of the Poliomyelitis community. By providing funds to help with activities as well as providing a member of the group, who was unable to enjoy nature and life, as she was bed and room bound; due to immobility. She was gifted a life changing and brand new ride, in the form of a wheelchair. She is enjoying her new found freedom so much that she has asked if we could get her a Motorized version. Queen of the Road Foundation, Inc is seeking donations to assist in granting her wish. The Foundation is also asking for your help in providing assistance to other in the group as well as to extend help to other groups that are desperately in need of the basic necessities to ensure that they and their members have a chance at a better life experience as well as access to opportunities that will be of benefit, and enhance the quality of their lives.

Popcorn Machine

Water Valley Primary School as well as Hillside Primary School were both gifted a brand spanking new Popcorn Machine, just before the start of 23-24 school year. Now the schools will have a quicker and easy way to pop corns for their Movie (Show) afternoons as well as the ability to host their own Popcorn Fundraising events. While the Islington Health Center, under the leadership of Nurse Godfrey was gifted a Digital Baby Scale. Queen of the Road Foundation, Inc hopes that the gift of the Scale will help in providing a better and more informative experience, in knowing their babies weigh progress at each visit.

Digital Baby Scale

Islington Health Center was gifted a Digital Baby Scale. Queen of the Road Foundation, Inc hopes that the gift of the Scale will help in providing a better more accurate and informative experience, for parents and mothers in knowing their babies weigh progress at each visit

Sewing Machine

Queen of the Road Foundations, Inc a Nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization aided a Cultural Dance Group in the provision of a Sewing Machine to help in the production and creation of their Dance Outfits and Costumes. With your donations we can also help to promote the fabric, trimmings and other needed accessories. As well as extending help to others such Cultural groups on the Island so that they can grow, attract other to join and keeping their culture
intact for future generations to come.

Lindon Housing Scheme Road Patching Project

The Queen of the Road Foundation, Inc has partnered with the village/district of Lindon Housing Scheme to make corrective measures to roadways that were in deplorable conditions. This initiative is a continuous work in progress.